Organization Committee


The seminar is hosted by the Sustainability of Business in Society (SBS) Chair and the IÉSEG Center for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR) at IÉSEG School of Management. It is co-organized and co-sponsored by multiple European institutions.

These institutions include UCLouvain, LouRIM, ICHEC Brussels Management School, and UNamur in Belgium; Audencia Business School, SKEMA Business School, LEM-CNRS, and the Fondation de la Catho de Lille in France; Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Netherlands; and Universität Hamburg in Germany.



  • Susana ESPER, François MAON, Frank DE BAKKER, and Benjamin HUYBRECHTS, IÉSEG School of Management, ICOR, France
  • Valérie SWAEN, LouRIM, Belgium, and IÉSEG School of Management, France
  • Laura Marie EDINGER-SCHONS, Universität Hamburg, Germany
  • Flore BRIDOUX, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Sophie PONDEVILLE, University of Namur, Belgium
  • Jennifer GOODMAN and Emma AVETISYAN, Audencia Business School, France
  • Christel DUMAS and Frederik CLAEYE, ICHEC Brussels Management School, Belgium
  • Eva NIESTEN and Kenneth DE ROECK, SKEMA Business School, France






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